Thursday, June 14, 2007

no LSD tonight

artemis i apologize for being so neglectful of our blog but i have been engaged in the kind of debauchery for the past few days that necessitates devoting all my spare moments to personal appearance and avoiding parents. most important conclusion of recent days

hospital bracelets are in. weird no? i feel like the logic goes something like, well lindsay lohan has one. anyway there is a place on st. marks which has begun manufacturing them alongside "wayfarers" and south dakota "driver's licenses."

ok summary of week to make up for poor attendance
mary, mary, mary, uniqlo, pinkberry
lost in soho (embarrassing)
miraculously cured injury with unprescribed painkillers
threw a party in the chelsea hotel
did not get arrested in the chelsea hotel
ate catalan food with cook
did not realize said cook was homosexual, oops
made unsuccessful apple cake
ate wonderful brunch with artemis
made sorbet with sexy single opera singer jamie
and finally

confessed to parents my actual ambition in life, which is to find a husband. expensive education is justified by use at cocktail parties. mother implies that this is immoral. i point out that she did not exactly pursue her career after marriage. this is not a defeat of feminism my friends. i just want financial security so that i can become a philosopher.


Anonymous said...

yo i saw someone wearing a hospital bracelet on the street! she looked really stylish so i figure it was on purpose. ellie was just in the hospital for tonsilitis and she promised to give me hers - i'm soo excited!

Murphy said...

Ah, Paz... I totally agree about the husband-goal. Yisa and I were discussing this the other day, actually, how it would be so much easier to have a husband and a nice house and be able to sit around and plan cocktail parties, then spend free time during the day being an autodidact. That way, there's no pressure to do something important, you just kind of...emerge as a significant housewife when you publish your novel or whatever.

Ok. Enough of that.


Anonymous said...

paz i love you.
additionally said philosophic life sounds pretty brilliant, just so long as you are more clever than your future billionaire. we're wasps darling this is what we do. HEAR ME ARTY?????
anywho, lets eat at this place like uh when i see you next.
fuck. when is that exactly?
i hate this.