Wednesday, May 11, 2011

do you still have taste aside from a distaste for capitalism?

A look at ME, then and now.

Then: One of my favorite things in the world used to be Art. I used to like looking at pictures and going to museums, and I was up on all the latest developments of the 20th century!! I particularly liked Egon Schiele, because his art embodies everything meaningful in the experience of the seventeenyearold, such as mirrors

Now: I don't like going to galleries for fear of being mistaken as a pseudo-counter-cultural reactionary. Also everyone else knows more about it than me.

Then: Before I discovered radical feminism, I used to enjoy displaying my body to men because fulfilling their lame romantic-sexual fantasies was a cheap ticket to a MASSIVE EGO.

Now: My current boyfriend gave me a book called "Sex and Philosophy: Rethinking De Beauvoir and Sartre" as a Christmas present three months after we met. Around the same time he also explained to me that he was attempting to explode gender roles in cuddling. It looks like I'm projecting rather a different image. I do still enjoy being manipulative though.

Then: I used to buy "vintage clothing" because I thought it would make me cool.

Now: In pursuit of a minimalist lifestyle, and also in protest against poor working conditions, the death of craftsmanship in the face of mass production, and disposability culture, I tend to limit purchases to extremely expensive objects and old shit.

Then: I used to enjoy reading novels and short stories, partly because it's quite fun, but more importantly because because I was destined to be an artiste!! Poetry is kinda boring frankly, and I never really got the point, but I had to read a lot of that too, if only for appearances' sake.

Now: I don't really read anymore because fiction is self-indulgent, and often doesn't have enough transformative content. However, I read the Daily Mail's "Femail" section obsessively. N.B. for American viewers: this has nothing to do with feminism

In sum:
Then: dilettante
Now: hypocrite


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